Comments on: Calming Senses -Amber Cavellier The Global Honors Program in Brazil Fri, 18 May 2018 22:37:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebekah Distaffen Fri, 18 May 2018 22:37:45 +0000 Beautifully said. Sometimes, certain people, myself (and from what I can tell probably you) included, are what I’ve heard called “feelings sponges.” That is, we take all the emotion of everyone around us and absorb it ourselves, oftentimes leaving us feeling overwhelmed and usually pretty much totally unsure why or how we feel the way we do. But, what I’ve learned, and what you’ve seemed to have learned as well, is that this is not always a bad thing. And it’s okay to hurt, cry, and laugh along with others, and it’s okay to do all those in their absence and to miss them. But, allowing yourself to feel the emotions, deal with the emotions, and realize your place in the lives of those whose feelings you soak up is important. And it is beautiful when you realize how beautiful this can be– even if it is painfully overwhelming at time. I”m glad you were able to find your place in nature and come to a newfound realization about it all despite the overwhelming emotion you feel. 🙂

By: Betsy noyes Fri, 18 May 2018 16:02:28 +0000 Very well said Amber , I also have been thinking of the young ladies you met this week and could see the joy and heartache in you with this . I’m glad you were able to get near your sanctuary to help you ! Enjoy yourself and so proud of you!
