Comments on: Learning How to Go For It- Rebekah Benson The Global Honors Program in Brazil Mon, 14 May 2018 22:43:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebekah Distaffen Mon, 14 May 2018 22:43:50 +0000 Bekah, I absolutely loved reading this! It was so insightful and beautiful. I am so glad you’ve been taking opportunities to “go for it” during this trip, and I am excited to see what more awaits you! And, I am glad you made the ultimate “go for it” decision and joined the Honors program and came with us 🙂

By: Lisa Torrell Mon, 14 May 2018 13:00:25 +0000 Rebekah, I can see you are really enjoying your experiences here! Thx for sharing so I understand a bit more about what is going on in Brazil! It must have been very difficult to see the deceased baby. I’ll pray for the family who lost that child and for all of you. Many blessings! 🙂

By: Colleen Denny Mon, 14 May 2018 00:33:22 +0000 Bekah, I’ve been so impressed with seeing you “go for it” here. You are a strong and capable woman!
