The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.

Psalm 29:3

A couple of days ago, we went to the beach at a beautiful resort in Bertioga. It was breathtaking. I just tried to take it all in: jumping over the waves, tasting the salt water, feeling the warm sunlight on my skin, seeing the mountains, hearing the ocean sounds. I love the beach, and I love the mountains, and both of them combined was like a small piece of heaven on Earth.

But even better than the surrounding beauty was the fact that I really got to know some of my classmates a lot better. I walked along the shoreline with Allie for a while just talking and listening, I went adventuring with a group around the resort, and on the bus ride home, Sarah, Tyler and I asked each other tons of questions, both funny and serious.

Adventuring around the resort

This ride home, in particular, showed me how simple it can be to just ask questions and learn about others. It also reminded me of how complex people are, and how cool it is that God made each one of us so uniquely different. This to me, even more than views of the mountain and beach, is such a beautiful thing.

This trip is reminding me of why I love people so much, both through getting to know my classmates and meeting new people. While it can be so easy to look out at the world and see brokenness, evil, injustice, and pain, this precious time here is showing me that there is also good and incredible beauty, and this gives me peace.

Categories: Brazil 2019

1 Comment

Amy Kovach · May 28, 2019 at 2:43 pm


God’s people are beautiful creations. I am so glad you are getting to know your classmates better! Enjoy your last day in Sao Paulo today and get ready to soak up one of God’s other beautiful creations.

Dr. Kovach

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