Routine. Everything Americans do is dictated by their routine and schedule; at least that’s how it is for me. During the school year, my Google calendar runs my life, telling me when the next event of the day begins. However, this is not necessarily the case in Brazil, specifically in our museum visit. Throughout the trip, plans have changed or been modified, and learning to be flexible is one of the challenges many people in my class, including me, have had to wrap our minds around. So when our scheduled museum trip was threatened because of a slight miscommunication, our rigid mindset was quick to complain and fuss over the disappointment of missing out on our scheduled museum trip. Were we going to be able to explore the museum? Do the leaders of our trip know what is happening? Should I have brought a book? Are we going to stick to the schedule? Did I say schedule? It was scheduled.

However, within a few minutes and some group discussion surrounding our entrance into the museum, we were given the ok to wait until our tickets were valid to enter. And the few minutes were worth the wait. In groups of two or three, we all successfully entered the beautiful, stunning Ipiranga Museum. What seemed to be an unsolvable hitch in our schedule, turned into an educational experience both from the Ipiranga Museum itself and the surrounding situation.

I learned about the beauty of being flexible in everyday situations and discovered the complex history stored in the Ipiranga Museum. And even with one small inconsequential inconvenience, the day was an absolute success with Ipiranga in the morning, lattes at lunch, and AI and laser printing for the afternoon’s adventures.


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