Three years ago I was sitting in a classroom in what is now Smith Hall with a team of faculty members tasked with redesigning the Honors Program at Roberts Wesleyan College.  We discussed many options, but we all agreed on a Global focus.  After a semester-long development process and an exploration trip to Brazil with Dr. Kevin Mannoia, the Global Honors Program at Roberts Wesleyan College was born!  This two-year program incorporates classes focused on global studies and culminates in an on-location course to Brazil at the end of the students’ sophomore year.

After three years of hard work and planning, an additional pilot trip to Brazil and support from the Rinker Center for Global Learning, we are now preparing to take our inaugural Global Honors Program class to Brazil on Sunday, May 6.  Half of the students have never been out of North America and one student has never flown!  These students have the experience of a lifetime ahead of them!  They will take Portuguese lessons, learn how to cook Brazilian cuisine, participate in a Brazilian dance class, hike through the Atlantic rain forest, do a site visit in their field of interest and have countless new experiences. We hope you’ll share these experiences by traveling along with us on this blog (

Keep reading our blog to learn how these students’ lives are being transformed through this on-location course and the Global Honors Program at Roberts Wesleyan College.  Please pray this trip teaches us (students and faculty) more about who we are, the world we live in and the God that we serve.

Amy Kovach, Ph.D.

Honors Program Director

Categories: Brazil 2018


Wendy Saxena · May 7, 2018 at 2:34 am

Enjoy the amazing time together! I’ll be praying blessings for all of you for health, safety and joy!

    Amy Kovach · May 7, 2018 at 11:14 pm

    Thank you Wendy! We have felt God’s blessings today. Security went smoothly, the flight was great, and customs in Brazil went SO well! The students met up with their host families and all is well!

Kimberley Wiedefeld · May 7, 2018 at 2:33 pm

So excited to read and follow along on this journey. Praying for traveling mercies, health, and an openness to what God has in store.

    Amy Kovach · May 7, 2018 at 11:15 pm

    Thanks Kimberley! I know God has great things in store for the students.

    Amy Kovach · May 9, 2018 at 5:43 pm

    Thanks Kimberley–It is SO fun to watch this adventure through students’ eyes. I can see them growing and being stretched. . .global experiences are SO enriching and I know you feel the same!

Marna Distaffen · May 8, 2018 at 2:48 pm

Glad to hear that you arrived and have already begun the adventures. I have received a couple of pictures via phone. I really enjoyed the one of the host family. They look like a great family. Thanks for all your work in pulling all of this together. It will be a great experience for the kids. I will be praying for all of you.

    Amy Kovach · May 8, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    Thanks, Marna! Seeing the students go through this journey is worth all the work! The blogs will keep coming so stay tuned!

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