Brazil 2019 – Global Honors Blog The Global Honors Program in Brazil Sun, 02 Jun 2019 19:51:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Obrigada – Amy Kovach Sun, 02 Jun 2019 19:51:30 +0000 Read more…]]> Obrigada! Thank you sometimes doesn’t seem like enough. Obrigada isn’t enough to reflect my gratitude for everyone who has helped make this life changing experience possible for these 23 students, but those are the words the English and Portuguese languages have given me—thank you and obrigada.

The group above is back home, but it is not the same group. The students that have returned are different. They have learned more about who God is, His people, and the world He has created. They have experienced a new culture, a new language, and new food. They have made new friends and been adopted into new families. They have made memories that will last a lifetime.

This would not have been possible with the support of so many. Thank you Metodista. Thank you Vanessa for your constant support, your care for these students, your planning, and your friendship. Thank you to Israel, Nathalia, Gisele and all others in the International Office for watching over and supporting these students. Thank you to the host families for adopting these students; the way you cared for them brought tears to my eyes. Thank you to all the wonderful faculty that taught workshops, and to all the businesses that opened your doors for our group. Thank you to Neri, our trusted guide in Foz do Iguacu!

I also need to thank Julie, Erv and Kirsten for leading this group to Brazil and back. Your leadership made this trip possible. I would also like to express a special thank you to Dave and Leighan Rinker for your support and commitment to international learning; it is so appreciated. I also have to thank Kenny and Ron our trusted bus drivers here at Roberts Wesleyan College, Nicole Benson for coordinating this transportation, our finance department for all their help, our amazing travel Agent Michelle, my outstanding coworker Michele, Angela Hoover, and the Roberts Wesleyan College administration for seeing the value of and investing in the Global Honors Program.

To those listed above and for all others who made this trip possible, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, obrigada.

Until next year. . . .

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The Right Attitude – Alexandra Osborne Sat, 01 Jun 2019 21:01:32 +0000 Read more…]]> In general, I have always felt a little under-prepared no matter the circumstances. When we visited the Brazilian side of Iguazu falls, I was totally unprepared, and that was no one’s fault but my own. I was told that we were going to get soaked despite any attempt to stay dry. What the instructions actually meant was that we were going on a boat that was literally going under the waterfall. Something I have been learning over the last two years stuck in my head: make it work with what you have. And honestly, walking around soaking wet in the Atlantic Rainforest isn’t so bad once you decide it isn’t. It was raining anyways, so it worked out!

A coati

It was gorgeous. I made friends with so many butterflies! (And coatis from afar, because we do not interact with these little guys.) Walking around wet was uncomfortable at first. What might people think about me? But as time wore on and the trail got drippier, I realized that everyone who was doing anything that looked fun was damp in one way or another. By the time I got to the end of the falls, where there was a walkway out over the rushing water, the mists were heavy and hurled over the water and the last thing that was dry, my shoes, upgraded their status to “soaked,” and it worked out!

Every trip has its ups and downs. Like I said in my first blog, no one can embark on an international trip and have it go exactly as planned, especially not one with 26 people. But I have to say that whenever something has looked like a setback, either one of my travel-mates has come through or the situation just sorted itself out, because under the right attitude, things just work out!

Thank you Sylvia, Abby, Dr. Kovach, Anna, Bailey, Ben, Brittany, Caleigh, Camryn, Dr. Starr, Grace D, Grace T, Gordon, Jack, Jenna, Joshua, Julie, Kathryn, Kirsten, Lauren, Lourdes, Maggie, Mariah, Sarah, Tiffany, Tyler, Vanessa, Israel, Nathalia, Neri, Metodista, and Brazil! Até logo!

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Head in the Clouds – Brittany Szarowicz Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:34:15 +0000 Read more…]]> When I was very young (maybe five years old?), I rode in my first plane. I don’t think I looked away from the window for the entire flight. All these years later, nothing has changed. I still can’t get over how beautiful the clouds and the mountaintops can be when viewing from above. I feel as if I have entered a fairy tale every time I fly. The landscape formed by the clouds becomes a kingdom independent of whatever nation lies below. The sun is always present up there, and it is clear to me why the sky was/is mistaken for the heavens.

Much like the clouds, this trip has been like a fairy tale. From the moment we arrived, I have found myself in constant awe of just how beautiful this world can be. The sheer size of Sao Paulo has been captivating. This city, with its rows and rows of buildings all so compacted together, seems as unending as the clouds from the plane. The vibrant culture that we have been immersed in provided us with unique and exciting experiences.

A small glimpse of the city from the highway.

Iguacu falls is no exception. The size and power of the many falls were like nothing I had ever seen before (and yes, that includes Niagara Falls). Throughout the entire hike along the water, I would have to stop every ten feet or so, because every new angle, every bend in the path produced yet another breathtaking view. The ever-daydreaming portion of my brain was constantly scanning the water and the treetops for signs of life of a being as epic and unforgettable as the falls themselves. I am sorry to report that no Loch Ness monsters or dragons showed themselves. The closest we got to this was the coatis scampering around, looking to nab an innocent tourist’s lunch.

A coati climbing through the trees.
Iguacu Falls

I feel like our world today has become so connected through technology that is can be difficult to find parts that have (for the most part) remained untouched by man. In the clouds and at Iguacu Falls, I am able to break free from the buildings and vehicles (other than the plane) that surround me in Rochester. In these places, I can easily see the hand of God at work in his creation and in me.

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When I Return- Lourdes Sharp Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:28:00 +0000 Read more…]]> “When you know your history, you have power” -paraphrase from a young student named Jose at University of São Paulo studying to be a historian

An aerial view of São Paulo’s slums

When I came to visit Roberts as a Senior in High School, I remember seeing Dr. Kovach standing by a table with a smile on her face and the intent to talk about the honors program. What I had learned about Brasil before this encounter had strong connections to what I had learned independently about the African Diaspora and how fashion has been used as an underground form of protest. I remember teeming at the prospect of getting a free chance to visit the country with the second highest Black population, cousins from a different branch of the Diaspora.

“Believe in the power of the word ‘to give up’ take off the D put an R that you will resist. A small change sometimes brings hope that makes the people follow” a poem given to us during Portuguese class.

While on the trip, a few of our Brazilian friends took us around the ABC area which included a visit to another university. When we arrived there was a small group of students, one by a microphone. She explained to us that she and the others were there as a sort of support group for Black students on campus and she was going to read a poem. I raised my fist in a power salute and they all cheered in response. I felt instant love. There are times I feel that expressing my own Black pride in an overt way makes others uncomfortable, but even my fellow Roberts kin had nothing but my back even saying, “oh it’s like SMAC” at Roberts.

A young woman at a university recites a poem in Portuguese as a way to make the presence of her group known to other students of color on campus as those who wish to stand in solidarity.

There have been times while I’ve been in Brasil in which I feel this feeling of purpose, and it is not necessarily my own. There have been times where there is more than meets the eye, but I can’t make out any figures in the darkness of the unknown. I keep asking “why?” and a small ray of light forms out of the honesty of the response that meets me. This trip has given me a sturdier foundation when it comes to my own world perspective and has reignited a flame to learn, to guide my own independent studies, and to never stop looking for answers.

A young man called me over to give me a pamphlet about Marielle Francisco da Silva, a young Afro-Brazilian woman who was martyred
after being shot while in Rio de Janiero. She was a rising politician who had a heart for human rights.

I imagine myself in Brasil in the future. I imagine doing the mundane such as having an intense conversation with a good friend over some suco de maracuja at Beco do Batman or riding my bike to an odd job I have. But then again, something tells me that if I’m ever given the opportunity to return, I will not be comfortable. There are places I have now been that many Brazilians living in the same areas I have visited have not had the opportunity to visit. I have been blessed to have seen some of Brazil’s treasures. However, something tells me that when I return it will be so that I may offer something of significance instead of vice versa. Regardless, thank you is not enough to give back for this experience, but one day perhaps I may be able to give back.

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A Bittersweet Goodbye – Grace Turner Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:21:41 +0000 Read more…]]> Saying goodbye is never easy. These past three weeks flew by so fast, I find myself wondering how it’s already time to head back home. A large part of me is reluctant to leave Brazil, yet in the midst of my sadness, I feel a surge of happiness and gratitude for this experience. Because even though this trip is coming to an end, I know the memories I’ve made will last a lifetime.

From the tranquility of the Atlantic Rainforest to the roaring waters of Iguazu Falls, the natural beauty of Brazil will be one of the hardest things for me to leave behind. While gazing at the various breathtaking sights, I could feel all my worries slip away as I stood there in awe. I’m not sure if it’s because of the novelty of being in another country, but I am beginning to appreciate nature in a way I never have before.

The beauty of Iguaza Falls cannot be fully captured on camera

A very painful goodbye goes to my new extended family in São Paulo. I was extremely nervous to be away from home, but my host mom, Monica, displayed a level of warmth and generosity that helped ease my transition to my new surroundings. Before parting ways, Monica gifted me a pair of shoes with the Brazilian flag as a way to remember her. She explained, “Wherever you go, I go with you.” Although departing is hard, I am glad to have loved and been loved enough by Monica and her family to miss them as much as I do.

Going to a music festival with Monica
Dinner night with my host family!

The relationships I’ve formed remain the most important takeaway from this trip. Not only will I miss my host family, but I am also sorry to say farewell to the my time in the Global Honors Program. Indescribable amounts of fun, laughter hard enough to produce tears, and long bus rides filled with heartfelt conversations have allowed me to get to know my classmates in such a thorough way. Even though the end of this stay in Brazil signifies the last time the entire class will be together in one room, I know that the friendships I’ve made will extend past this trip.

Friends that travel together, stay together

The pain of leaving only proves the impact this country had on me during my short stay here. With the unforgettable memories and kind-hearted people in mind, I bid a bittersweet goodbye to Brazil.

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Child-like Wonder – Bailey LaTourette Sat, 01 Jun 2019 01:29:27 +0000 Read more…]]> Today, as one final hurrah abroad, we hiked the Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls. It definitely lived up to its legacy of being one of the seven Natural Wonders of the World. Besides the breathtaking views, the falls attract a multitude of people to add to the beauty.

As my group hiked through the trails, we kept in step with a Spanish-speaking family of five with an adorable daughter. I offered to take a family picture for them, and when she discovered I spoke English, she excitedly demonstrated her counting skills. As we continued through the trails, with every new view, her face lit up as she exclaimed, “Cataratas!” [waterfalls in Spanish]. Even though we were looking at the same picture from different perspectives, her enthusiasm grew with each new glance of the waterfalls. How inspiring that, at such a young age, she held the ability to see the value of each turn in the path.

This little girl’s adoration on her walk of the falls refocused my attention to how I need to fix my eyes on Jesus on my journey through life. Just like the waterfalls were always heard and visible on the path, God is still before, with, and after us, leading us towards eternity. I need to echo her joy and unabashed exclamations for those of my Creator.

One of my biggest takeaways from this trip has been God’s gentle reminders of his consistency and closeness. As I return home, I hope to continue on the path He has set before me, boldly and joyfully exclaiming His goodness at each turn, and following with child-like faith.

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What Do I Want? – Sylvia Leary Sat, 01 Jun 2019 00:42:08 +0000 Read more…]]> The last few days of my journey have not gone as expected. But looking back, I can see how my choices have made all the difference. I woke up on Tuesday, planning to meet with my group and then present on our experiences in the Atlantic Forest. Instead, as soon as I got up, I could tell something was wrong. When I got sick to my stomach a few minutes later, it would have been easy to panic. With Allie bringing me tissues, a glass of water, and my host mom and sister standing by ready to help, I tried not to let fear get the best of me. That was easier said than done, but when Julie and Kirsten arrived later and talked me through it, I mostly succeeded. A few days later, feeling much better and sitting in my hotel room after exploring Foz do Iguaçu, I am starting to see the silver linings.

One thing that traveling without my family and with a large group has forced me to focus on is choices. For me, making choices has never been easy. Whenever I’m with someone else and there’s a decision to be made, I’ll almost always say “whatever you want!” I mean this wholeheartedly. On the rare occasion that I do have an opinion and voice it, at the slightest hint of disagreemen,t I’ll quickly and easily concede. For the most part, it doesn’t bother me. Of course, when I’m alone with my family, it is much easier to ask for something or share my opinion.

Which brings us back to being in Brazil without my family, but with lots of people, and being sick on top of it all. I had a day at home to recover with my host family before we left at 5:45 am to fly to Foz do Iguaçu the next morning. Traveling when healthy can be tiring and stressful, so it wasn’t fun to do it with an upset stomach. When we arrived at the hotel around noon, I chose to spend the day in bed rather than go out to see more of the city. That night, I felt well enough to suggest to my roommates that we walk to find a grocery store. We ended up on an expedition with eleven people determined to shop at a supermarket, and had to use our rudimentary Portuguese to ask for directions to the closest one. Thank you to Lourdes for being the appointed Mom and making sure we didn’t leave anyone behind!

Supermercado Muffato

By asking for what I needed, I was able to get food for my recovering stomach and we all had a fun adventure to remember. Being sick forced me to pay attention to my body to know what I could handle and what I truly wanted. It was because I made choices for myself that I was able to have an indescribably wonderful experience at Foz do Iguaçu the next day. Feeling the power of the falls as we sat at the bottom on a motorboat is a moment I am so grateful for- and for every moment and choice that lead me there. I am just starting to learn that maybe it’s okay to make choices based on what I need or want, rather than what others around me do.

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Reminiscência — Gordon La Fri, 31 May 2019 13:45:23 +0000 Read more…]]>

It was a brief yet intense feeling that awashed me as I alone trod through the crashing waves along the coast of Sao Paulo. The air was fresh and sweet, and it blanketed the mountains and islands till both faded into the horizon. Underneath the morning skies, everything around me was a wet and glistening blue until time passed by me and it was late afternoon: then sky, water, and mountains alike looked as if they were made of soft gold. Treading along the churning sea, I had never felt so compelled to walk steadily into the horizon and not once look back. Before coming to this country, it had been a while since I had felt such happiness and peace. For the past few years I have been in great conflict about what I want my future to be and what my capabilities are. Recently, it has been a delight to drop all of my burdens and walk into a new world in which my preoccupations ceased to matter. Being here I have never felt so free.

It is in fact a wonderful privilege for me to be here in Brazil; this is a trip sponsored by my college and supported by the professors and classmates in this program in which I’ve participated for two years. Here I have been under constant protection. Yet, I believe the reason as to why I’ve felt so liberated is because, despite my deep anxieties about coming here, I chose, with great difficulty, to look over them and take the risk. I have felt so many emotions since then, but the prevailing thought in my head is that I am so glad to have been here.

Brazil has been an insanely fun and amazing trip. That being said, I am ready to return to New York and greet my friends and loved ones. Feeling burdensome upon arrival, I will return refreshed, calmer, and less intimidated; these three weeks have given me confidence in myself and, strangely, have helped me to reflect on the course of my life and better understand how to steer myself through the obstacles that wait for me in the US. I am not sure how to explain, so bear with me, but… absorbing the different environments of Sao Paulo and Foz do Iguacu has helped me see my life in retrospect and realize how high-strung and anxious I have been. Throughout these three weeks I have taken so many risks (things I never thought I would have done) and have felt like I’ve succeeded even when I failed.

After just three weeks, I will miss this country, severely, but the most challenging aspect of leaving is to part ways with my host family. Tyler and I had great fun in Sao Paulo, and so much of it was in thanks to Delmira, Michelle, Jessica, etc.—everyone who took care of us behind the scenes of our trip and provided us with a safe, warm place every night. I am already thinking about when I can return, not only to revisit that beautiful beach but also the many beautiful friends I have developed here. Tchau!

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As Pessoas – Tyler Lipina Fri, 31 May 2019 13:35:55 +0000 Read more…]]>

“Asgard is not a place. It’s a people.”

Odin, Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Brazil was truly one of the most beautiful places that I have visited in my life. However, the wonders of nature and the abundance of choices of fruit juices on their own do not make the experience. I found that the relationships that were created with my host family and friends made my trip the most memorable experience.

As the plane leaving Sao Paulo roared off the ground, I felt my connection with my host family get violently torn away from me. Although we will always have WhatsApp to keep in touch, I’m going to miss the quality time we spent at various restaurants and home. I won’t hear my host grandmother say things to her dog, Maggie like “Come here, bebe.” Gordon and I will no longer be able to sit down and play cards with Michele. Initially, I never thought that someone’s house in the middle of San Bernardo would feel like home in just two weeks. Yet, here I am already feeling homesick from my second family. Tchau tchau!

My host grandmother Delmira waving goodbye

My experience here further proved to me that God is truly present worldwide. I felt this with the greatest intensity when we went to church this past Sunday evening. I normally appreciate short services that also have a good message to take home. However, the 90 minutes at church were filled with worship music that I recognized from home and a sermon that spoke to me even though I could not understand it all. I felt the presence of God among the Brazillian congregation and enjoyed true fellowship.

A man in the park played a steel drum, which was pretty cool.

Although the place is different, people can still show kindness, have fun, joke around, and, well, be human. Looking out my hotel window, or at the beautiful sights at the falls, it doesn’t mean as much if you do not have friends or family to experience it with.

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Someone worth Missing -Kathryn Krchniak Fri, 31 May 2019 13:24:29 +0000 Read more…]]> Tuesday night was our final night with our host families. Tiffany had a meal in mind to make for our family, and she was able to come up with some simple tasks to make it look like I was helping, even though I’m the farthest thing from a cook!

“The Last Supper”

Around 10:15 p.m., we finally sat down to eat dinner, and it was a sight to behold. There were nine of us squished around the table, with Portuguese, English, and dishes being passed between us. The food was delicious, and the company was even better.

There was nothing sadder than finishing my bowl and realizing that it truly was our last family meal. Everyone looked at each other, and without saying a word we knew we were all thinking the same thing. We exchanged gifts that night, but the true gift was the invitation into their lives. Nothing could ever compare to the new family I now have in Brazil, and no words could ever describe how grateful I am for them.

Brigadeiro (I made this!)

As everyone got ready to head home, I mentally prepared myself for some of the final goodbyes. Each hug, kiss, and see you later got increasingly harder. This farewell would be much longer than the one with my family two weeks ago, and who knows how long this farewell will last until I can see my Brazilian family again.

As I hugged my host siblings and said one last goodbye before we left for the airport, one of my favorite One Tree Hill quotes came to mind:

“It’s hard when you miss people, but you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life; someone worth missing.”

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